Furry Picnic 2020 is cancelled. Initially, we considered rescheduling the Furry Picnic to August, but there are too many factors that are formidable in doing this safely, as we have previously discussed, that do not leave us feeling comfortable in pushing forward with a modified event. The risk of just one person getting Covid-19, despite all the efforts we would have to make in modifying the event to make it safe as possible, make cancellation of the 2020 event a simple decision. No vaccine, no proven therapeutics, and asymptomatic spread – these are very real elements of SARS-CoV-2 – this is not the time to risk anyone’s health.
We continue to cherish and value your continued support over the years, and look forward to the prospect of the Furry Picnic in 2021.
Our financial loss is limited. We’ve lost no more than $250, the only expense being the cost of our reservation with Wickham Park. We will not be seeking a refund from Wickham Park, even if one was to be offered. Wickham Park is a private park – the loss of revenue by our 150 attendees or more at $9 a car could mean a casual estimated loss of $750 to $1500 dollars in revenue to the park, donating our reservation fee is the least we can do, as other events will likely cancel as well.
If you would like to help us recover some of the cost of the reservation, we will be accepting donations via PayPal – our address is Please note, as stated, our loss is limited – a 2021, or future picnic is not contingent on donations, but it is a loss nonetheless. If you choose to donate, please do so as long as your personal financial situation is stable – everyone is shaking the cup right now, but keep yours filled before ours. We will be appreciative of any any all donations and support.
Your support. Your love. Everything that is right with the Furry Fandom. This is why we do this – you. It may not be easy to believe a cancellation is also something we are doing for you, but it is. We look forward to another chance for coming together as friends and family – passionate, strong, and alive.
Together, we stay safe.
See you at the next Furry Picnic,
Kasi Frost (Vulpes Automata) & Tiffany Fox (Foxy)